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Planning Board Minutes 05/16/2018
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday May 16, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Craig McIntosh, Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Jonathan Halle, Dave Kingston, Doug Valley, Steve Shenninger and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Public Hearing-Site Plan Review
Map 4 Lot 161-A
Mr. Halle came before the Board with a Site Plan review for his lot located on Dover Road next to Chichester Commons.  Mr. Halle proposed to clear and level this vacant land to use as a storage lot for a renter to display his overflow inventory of golf carts for viewing and display.  This would be temporary until June of 2019.
The Board reviewed the plans and discussed the issues they came across.  The first was a typo in the building elevations which will be corrected.  The Board also had questions about the ingress/egress which Mr. Halle explained that years ago the curb cuts were condensed with the widening of Rt. 4 so the same curb cut for Chichester Commons will be utilized for this lot as well.  The Board requested that the parking layout be shown on the plan which Mr. Halle stated it would be added and will be bumper to bumper. The Board asked if there will be any signs on the property.  Mr. Halle explained that there will be a sign to call Kingston’s Golf Carts if interested in a cart on that site.  Mr. Kingston stated that there will be no lighting or no solid waste facilities.

It should be noted that the septic system from the previous house on the lot will be removed.  

Mr. Houle made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to accept the plan as complete but only accepting phase one, and are not bound to further action. Motion passes.

There was some discussion on whether or not it would be used for a storage or sales lot.  It was agreed that the lot would only be for viewing and display and not for sales. All sales would be done at the Epsom location.  
It was also agreed that the lot would not have to be paved due to it being temporary.  

A motion was made by Mr. Williams and Mr. Houle seconded that this project was not of any regional impact.

A motion was made by Mr. Willams and Mr. Houle seconded for the conditional approval of Site plan with the conditions being the plan updated with elevations and a signature block. All in favor, Aye. Motion passes.
Continued Site Plan, Public Hearing-
Mr. Valley stated that he is still waiting for the few last things to complete his plan asked for a conditional approval so he could move forward with his junkyard license.  
After some discussion the Board agreed that a conditional approval was in order.  

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Houle seconded to grant Cruiserparts, LLC a site plan approval with the following conditions:
Department of Transportation permit
Final water calculations and official stamps by a licensed wetland scientist and surveyor/engineer.  
All in favor, Aye. Motion Passes.

Steve from Central NH Regional Planning Commission came for some discussion to help assist the Planning Board moving forward with the soil zoning changes that need to be changed. He requested a number of items including:  current zoning maps, recent history of subdivisions (last 10 years), current use properties list and variances regarding lots/frontages/setbacks
The Board discussed they are looking to change over from soil based zoning to something more up to date which protects the Town. Something important is to keep rural agriculture in Town.
The Board is also interested in addressing the buildable lot requirements, cluster housing and doing a Charrette overlay.  
Mr. Williams recommended that workforce housing only be allowed on Rt. 4 and Rt. 28.  
Mr. Shenninger recommended doing a composite mapping to see what jumps out.  
This information will be compiled and CNHRPC will work to put together some recommendations to begin with.

Master Plan update-
The Board discussed adding the entire agriculture section that was previously approved to the Master Plan as well as the whole historical section.  Mrs. Barnouski will compile the documents and send out for review by email to the Board.  

Mr. Houle made a motion and Mr. Moore seconded to accept the minutes of 05/03/2018. Mr. Williams obtained.  Motion passes.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Ms. Davis to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm